Posted in Books, Fun

Read Around the Rainbow: Would you rather…?

This is another thing that got shelved thanks to snow, flu, house renovations and general Christmas rushing about, but I’m delighted to be able to join in again with the Read Around the Rainbow monthly webring post.

This month we’re all answering the same three ‛would you rather’ questions, but I bet the answers will be wildly different! Here’s mine… don’t forget to click the links at the end of my post to see everyone else’s take on the same subjects.

Would you rather publish one insanely great-selling book and never write again … or publish a string of 15 average-selling books over a 20-year period?

This one’s easy. I can’t even begin to think about a world where I couldn’t, or didn’t, write anything ever again, so I’m going to go for more books that are less popular over a longer period of time. Not only would it give me the opportunity to go on doing something I love, but I firmly believe that the more books a writer has in their back catalogue, the more chance there is of readers finding at least one that appeals to them, and/or reading one and liking it enough to go back for more. That means a greater chance of long-term popularity, rather than being a ‛one book wonder’ and then vanishing.

I’m lucky enough to have had about 15 books published over the years, eight of which are still fully available. So if you’ve read one and enjoyed it, why not see if I have anything else that floats your boat? You can find them all listed at

Would you rather be recognized wherever you go… or live a quiet (monetarily successful) life of anonymity?

Oh, anonymity every time. I mean, fame is all well and good, but honestly? Every time you venture outdoors you’re mobbed, or get a queue of people bothering you for autographs in the supermarket. And just imagine having to make sure you look perfect wherever you go. It’s all so much hassle – and for what? I’m never entirely sure what benefits superstardom brings. Unless you use it for charity work, perhaps. But I can still do that while being anonymous, so… No contest really!

Would you rather write in a rooftop garden surrounded by city noises — or in a quiet studio with cows as your neighbours?

This one’s a little harder. I do love gardens – the sights, smells and sounds are so soothing. The sound of bees might help drown out the city traffic, and the smell of the flowers would disguise the diesel fumes drifting up from below. But the quiet of that country studio sounds very appealing, too. I prefer peace and quiet when I’m writing and would really appreciate having no voices, no screeching brakes, no blaring radio from the guys working on the roof next door. I’d definitely be able to concentrate better there. But I guess in the end it all boils down to one thing. Just how, um, neighbourly are those cows going to be?

A L Lester :: Holly Day :: Amy Spector :: Ofelia Grand :: Ellie Thomas :: Addison Albright :: Nell Iris :: K L Noone :: Lillian Francis

Pic credit: Lomig on


Fiona lives in a slate cottage within stone-throwing distance (never a good idea in Glass houses...) of England's largest lake. She enjoys history, gardening and photography, and rarely has her nose far from the pages of a book - or a cup of tea.

9 thoughts on “Read Around the Rainbow: Would you rather…?

  1. Yes, it’s the idea of not being able to write. I supposed I could try to fill the void with more reading, but reading just puts me in the mood to write, so…

    1. Ditto. I get so many ideas from books, movies, tv shows etc, especially when I don’t like the endings! I’m always telling myself stories and don’t think I could actually stop.

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